
We are focused on providing our patients with healthy, clear skin they can be proud of. We offer a range of treatments and procedures some of which are listed below. At The Skin Company, we have you covered.

General Dermatology

We know that the appearance of your skin can impact the quality of your life. At The Skin Company, we diagnose and treat all diseases and medical conditions associated with the skin, hair and nails. Some of the conditions we diagnose and treat are skin cancer and melanoma, eczema, psoriasis, rosacea, acne and acne scarring, hair and scalp problems, bumps and growths, melasma and warts. Whether you are coming in to have treatment for your acne or sun spots, you can be confident that you will receive the highest level of patient care.

Cosmetic Dermatology

The Skin Company offers a range of cosmetic treatments designed to help you get beautiful, glowing skin. We are committed to providing safe and effective solutions that will address your cosmetic concerns. We provide expert treatment for wrinkle reduction, acne and acne scars, rosacea, age spots, hair loss, mole removal and hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating).

We have Sciton’s BBL and Moxi laser for head to toe transformation.

Sciton BBL Hero is a powerful intense pulsed light (IPL) technology. BBL uses photothermal energy to gently heat the upper layers of the skin, stimulating regeneration of cells and dramatically giving skin a more youthful appearance. It sets new standards for achieving significant skin improvements associated with aging, treating brown or red dyschromia like sun damage, pigment, rosacea, broken vessels, spider angioma, spider veins and low grade acne. BBL corrective reduces unwanted melanin and eliminates fine vessels that cause redness – helping your skin look smoother, healthier and vibrant with a more even skin tone. 

The Moxi laser, is an extremely effective non ablative laser that works for all skin colours, all year round. Moxi is game changer for pigment including melasma, skin texture, pore size, skin clarity and sun damage. Moxi laser can aid to correct problematic areas of blemishes or scarring (including c-section scars) and also help to regenerate the skin by stimulating collagen and elastin production while also improving overall tone and texture of skin. 

Skin Surgery

We perform skin cancer surgery for all types of skin cancers including melanomas and non-melanoma skin cancers such as Squamous Cell Carcinomas (SCCs) and Basal Cell Carcinomas (BCCs). Sometimes a small biopsy or sample of the tumour is taken at the initial consultation to confirm the diagnosis of skin cancer or melanoma. This is particularly likely if the nature of the tumour is not certain after clinical examination. We also excise lumps and bumps that you may choose to have removed. This may include surgical or non-surgical options.

Skin Cancer Prevention Therapies

Sunspots which are also known as actinic keratoses or solar keratoses are precancerous spots that occur on the skin in sun damaged individuals. They occur in sun-exposed areas such as the face, hands, arms and lower legs. It is important to treat these precancerous lesions to avoid the progression to skin cancer and  thus avoid the need for invasive surgery  Your treatment of sunspots will depend on how many you have and this will be assessed at the time of the full skin examination. Some of the treatments available are cryotherapy, Efudix, Aldara, and Photodynamic therapy (PDT)

Skin and Mole Checks

Skin cancer is the most common type of cancer in the world, and it comes in different types including basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma. Symptoms of skin cancer may include a new abnormal painful growth, new or changing mole, scaly patch of skin or a pearly growth beneath the skin that repeatedly bleeds, At The Skin Company we excel at detecting early subtle signs of skin cancer. Skin cancers are commonly found in areas that have been exposed to sun. Risk factors for skin cancer include having a lighter complexion, excessive lifetime sun exposure, and a family history of skin cancer. Skin cancer screening by a Dermatologist is well known to be the most accurate way of diagnosing skin cancers.

Mandy Dickson

Operations Manager

Meet Mandy Dickson, the Operations Manager for The Skin Company. She is passionate about healthcare and has a wealth of experience in healthcare management. Originally from Auckland, Mandy moved to Sydney for work but eventually came back after 10 years abroad to be closer to family.

At The Skin Company, Mandy is a valuable asset thanks to her ability to connect with people and build strong relationships. Her colleagues and clients appreciate her positive attitude and willingness to lend a hand. She’s a friendly and warm personality who loves spending time outdoors with her partner Brad and their dog Nala. When she’s not busy with work, Mandy loves to stay active by hiking, boxing, and exploring new places around Auckland. Her active lifestyle helps her maintain a healthy work-life balance and keeps her focused on achieving her personal and professional goals.